Monday, April 20, 2009

Well, I have had a weird dream...

actually more than a few over the last 6 - 10 months. I have dreamed that I was supposed to learn crochet. No, I don't mean that I might like it or something... I dreamed that God wanted me to learn to crochet. I have no vagueness about this at all.

Thus I learned to crochet in February, I started with some sample stitch swatches that became dish rags - after three I moved on. I made a hat for each of my kids and my husband. I then moved on to an afghan for my sweet hubby. A scarf for Paul and shawls for my daughters and myself.

Last week I discovered interwoven crochet. It makes the most wonderful fabric. Now I am trying to make a summer sweater. I wonder where it will all lead me?